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Ronchamp Tourisme - Vivez les Vosges du Sud

The Carillon in Champagney


 The Carillon in ChampagneyThe wonderful instrument which almost disappeared is part of the heritage of Champagney.

1929: Creation of a carillon encouraged by a talented musician: Canon Gaillard. He lived out a dream which he had had for a very long time.

Luck was on his side, because the typical Franche-Comté style bell tower was not really designed to take such an instrument but was big enough for the project.
Without a doubt the north of France is the home to many more of these carillons. This large-scale carillon singles out our village because even now, no bigger carillon exists in a 150 km radius.
On June 16th, 1929, his Eminence Cardinal BINET blessed the carillon, paid for out of Church funds. 21 bells tuned from DO to LA of the next octave, on the chromatic scale could be heard throughout the village.

It should be remembered that life in times gone by was closely linked to the bell-ringing which told the time, just as the farmers’ lives were governed by the rhythm of the Angelus. However the bombardments of World War II seriously damaged the wooden structure. The poor state of the roof led to damage to the carillon. The weakened state of the structure meant that the carillon could not be used safely – the vibrations could cause more damage. The last time the inhabitants heard the carillon was for the liberation of Champagney.

1961: A turning point for the carillon. Priest CARAVATTI decided to get them going again. Modernism was in full swing, so the bell tower was electrified by BODET Company, specialised in this kind of work. A cabin fitted out in a passage under the church porch controlled the bells. It was very easy for the carillonist, as he had a 25 touch keyboard which requires a minimum of effort to get the sounds he wanted.
The clappers had been replaced by hammers controlled by electric engines. Three hymns could be played as required or automatically. What progress!!!          

1975: More bad luck for the carillon. A lightning strike meant the carillon was out of use once more to the great disappointment of all.

1982: Some still remembered the melodious carillon, Doctor FRECHIN in particular, who came from Champagney, announced that he wanted to restore the instrument. An assembly on February 19th, 1982, led to the creation of the association: "THE FRIENDS OF the carillon ". This association led work on the restoration of the bells.

Everyone got involved in the work, the original makers of the instrument, the Paccard company was contacted. Mister PACCARD Junior came to Champagney, happy to carry on the work which his father had begun. His analysis was clear: a return to mechanical activation was required to restore all its artistic value to the carillon and avoid any further risks from lightning strikes. The profile of the bells made in 1929 in an ‘economy series’ was relatively thin, this meant the tone could not be corrected. The bells did not have a high-quality tone. Taking this into account, 4 were kept, 9 bells from 1929 were recast in1984 and 1985, and their inscriptions were kept, 4 of them were recast in front of 50 people from Champagney on December 19th, 1984, 8 bells cast in 1985 were obtained by recasting bells from 1929 and 7 new ones completed the carillon in 1985.
The keyboard still exists and also dates from 1985. It was designed in such a way as to take into account possible future extensions.

The task OF THE FRIENDS OF the CARILLON continued. A carillon school was created to ensure the future of the instrument.
1997: Roger CAMPREDON had for several years wanted to extend the instrument. However there was only enough free space to add three extra bells.

For any further information, contact the carillonist :
Chistian Luxeuil, 13, rue des Chênes 70290 Champagney
Such 03 84 27 92 62 and christian.luxeuil@wanadoo.fr

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Offices de Tourisme de France
Offices de Tourisme de France
Massif des Vosges
Parc naturel régional des Ballons des Vosges
Ronchamp Tourisme
25 rue Le Corbusier